Spotlight Students


Graduation Coach: Ricky Lammons | Pahokee High School, Pahokee

When Jejuan was in the 11th grade, he described himself as a “mediocre kid”. His grades included D’s and F’s, he got in trouble in class, and he didn’t have a plan for the future.

Then he met Graduation Coach, Ricky Lammons, from Communities In Schools of Palm Beach County. Jejuan had been referred to him because he was in the lowest 25% of students academically. Ricky met with him and they set goals in academics, attendance, and conduct. Ricky also helped Jejuan to get tutoring in math. In Jejuan’s words, Coach Lammons showed him that he shouldn’t “settle for less” and encouraged him to “reach out for more”.

Now in 12th grade, Jejuan’s future looks bright. He is now making all A’s! Jejuan has met all his requirements for graduation, and is dually enrolled at Palm Beach State College. Because of Communities In Schools, Coach Lammons and Jejuan make a great team – one that will have lasting benefits.


Graduation Coach: Kieyana McGrew | Lakeshore Middle School, Belle Glade

What can you do to help a 7th grader who has an anger problem? This was the question that faced those who knew Alana. She had problems getting along with others at school and many of her grades had fallen to D’s and F’s.

Enter Kieyana McGrew of Communities In Schools of Palm Beach County. Kieyana works with girls at Lakeshore Middle School as an Academic Coach and an overall encourager. Because Alana was referred to Communities In Schools, she meets individually with Ms. McGrew at least once a month. Through group activities and one-on-one meetings, Alana has learned how to relate to others positively and control her anger. She said when she became angry, coming to talk to Ms. McGrew and hearing ways to cope with her anger really helped. Her Mom and others have seen a change in Alana’s attitude as well.

It’s made a difference in her grades, too. After Alana started meeting with Ms. McGrew, those D’s and F’s turned into A’s, B’s with only two C’s on her last report card. Alana has a bright future, and she will have Communities In Schools and Kieyana McGrew by her side in the days ahead.


The first-ever CIS of Palm Beach County Spotlight Student is Cornelius from Gold Coast Community School in West Palm Beach. Cornelius was one of the first students to sign up for the Charting For Success class with Communities In Schools. While he was waiting for additional students to enroll, he volunteered to help paint the school’s parenting classroom. He is also involved with the Student Government Association at Gold Coast, currently running for the office of Vice-President.

Cornelius likes football and is a fan of the Minnesota Vikings. Adrian Peterson, a running back with the Vikings, is one of Cornelius’ role models. Cornelius especially likes Peterson’s quiet demeanor. “He is not a talker, but a doer.”

Cornelius states that the CIS class has helped him take better notes, study better and stay organized. He plans to attend Louisiana State University after graduation.

His advice to his fellow students, “Stay in School”.

Congratulations, Cornelius!

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